23 Jul 2022 (Sat)
1430 - 1630
Mode: Webinar via Zoom Apps
Deadline of application: 15 July 2022 (Friday)
Dr Billy So
Billy is a registered physiotherapist in Hong Kong, working as an assistant professor in Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the Vice-Chairperson of Aquatic Physiotherapy Work Group of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association. As the Hong Kong Delegate of International Organization of Aquatic Therapist recognized by World Physiotherapy, he has been collaborating with different local and Mainland China orgainzations for aquatic therapy training and research for the past decade.
Miss Manny Kwok
Manny is a registered physiotherapist in Hong Kong and Australia. She completed her Master of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at La Trobe University in Melbourne and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is a current PhD student researching the effect of aquatic high intensity interval training (AHIIT) on cardiometabolic health and physical fitness in women. Her research goal is to provide a safe and efficient aquatic training option for the health continuum in our populations.